Matthew 10:41

“He who gives honour to a prophet, in the name of a prophet, will be given a prophet's reward; and he who gives honour to an upright man, in the name of an upright man will receive an upright man’s reward.”

In the Old Testament, prophets were used by GOD to convey  or communicate with His chosen people and with those who defy or ignore His will. These prophecies focus on evangelizing, forewarning the consequences of disobeying the LORD, and also heralded the coming of the Messiah.

Prophets receive direction from GOD to help people navigate through challenges and situations. In the Bible, prophets urged the people to repent and foretold of the birth, death, and Resurrection of JESUS CHRIST. Today, prophets continue to testify of JESUS. They also warn and advise all people about important topics. GOD wants us to overcome our challenges, become better people, and return to live with Him after this life. But He doesn't expect us to do it alone. He guides us through the HOLY SPIRIT, the Scriptures, and Prophets. A prophet is someone who has been called by GOD to give guidance to people and the entire world. Believers must receive and honor their Pastor as a GOD-sent messenger, prophet, and mentor in their life. We must see their actions as part of GOD’s agenda for sending them to guide us.

ABBA FATHER, thank You for sending us prophets to warn, challenge and encourage us in the faith. Help us to discern between false and true prophets. We rely on Your HOLY SPIRIT to give us  wisdom that will guard and guide us into all truth. Bless every prophet and use them to point out our unrighteousness that we may repent and return to You with pure hearts that will honor and please You in every way…in JESUS’ great and holy Name. Amen.

Relying on Him,

PW and SM