2 Peter 3:11-12a
11-“Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12-as you look forward to the day of GOD and speed its coming.”

It seems as though the world is increasingly self-destructing and calling down the judgment of GOD. -But for those who belong to CHRIST, these dismal surroundings are a summons not to passivity or despondency but to a lifestyle of eager expectancy, and faithfulness, and holiness.

JESUS will definitely return to rapture His bride, the church made up of the ones who have repented, renounced and confessed their sins; believed, trusted, and remained loyal to CHRIST and had lived a lifestyle of holiness and obedience to GOD and His Word. -Here, Peter reminds Christians that GOD made the world and Noah's flood is evidence that He is willing to alter it in order to bring judgment on the sins of humanity. —In the coming judgment which happens after the rapture, everything will be destroyed and laid bare with fire. Christians look forward to the new heavens and the new earth which will come after the great tribulation following the rapture of the children of GOD.

Are we ready for the rapture?

Ready or not, it will happen at any given time in the twinkling of an eye! 

FATHER GOD, thank You for Your great plan and promise to rapture the saints before Your judgment and wrath fall upon the peoples of the earth. May we the redeemed be found rapture ready when CHRIST comes to snatch His bride to be with the LORD forever. IN JESUS’ holy name. Amen.

Looking Forward To His Return,
Pastor Wally,  Sister Mattie, 
Preshus, Donald & Josiah 🔥