1 Timothy 1:15
“Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: CHRIST JESUS came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.”

JESUS came into the world to save sinners: not to leave us as sinners, but to forgive us and deliver us from our sins. GOD who is holy, set in motion His great plan to save people from sin and judgment and set free the entire creation from its subjugation to sin and the curse.

This Scripture verse summarizes important aspects of the mission of the LORD JESUS who demonstrated that GOD cares specifically about those whom many considered sinners. -How? By sending His Son JESUS as a true man who would bear the penalty for our sin and die on the cross in our place: CHRIST died for our sins in accordance with the holy Scriptures. All that’s required of us is to recognize, renounce, and repent from our sins, and acknowledge, believe, trust,  and receive JESUS CHRIST as one’s own personal Lord and Savior. Even the worst of sinners are welcome to accept JESUS into his/her heart for the forgiveness of sin and receive the gift of salvation and eternal life in CHRIST!

Dear FATHER GOD, thank You for sending Your Son JESUS to rescue and save us from sin and its deadly consequences.
Grant that I will have the love, boldness, and patience to share this truth to those who need JESUS in their lives. In His mighty Name I pray. Amen!

Praying For Lost Souls,
Pastor Wally & Sister Mattie