2 TIMOTHY 2:13
“if we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot disown Himself.”

GOD still continues to be who He is even when we fall short of being who we are. GOD is faithful, GOD is love, and GOD is merciful and so much more. Our scripture tells us that He cannot disown Himself or deny who He is.This is why He is so good to us, when we think that we cannot come to Him because of what we may have said or done, inwardly or outwardly. Or maybe there is a self-condemning thought “Will He want me after where I have been…what I have done?”

GOD cannot be false with Himself, He has to be true to who He is! And He is Faithful which means He wants you and I back ALWAYS! Nothing can separate us from who He is. He shares all that He has and all that He is with us because He loves us so much. He is merciful and that means with great pity and compassion He draws us to Himself and He tenderly cleanses us spiritually, and restores us through the sacrifice of His one and only unique one-of-a-kind Son JESUS CHRIST, who He is One with, along with the HOLY SPIRIT who indwells us and reveals all of this to us. 

Today let us draw towards our ABBA GOD and thank Him for never giving up on us, for loving us when we didn’t love Him.  Thank Him for the things that He has done for us that remain temporarily unseen yet are in existence. 

Thank Him for working all things together for our good even in a fallen world and at great cost to Himself, made a way for our escape and return back to Him. Let’s thank the LORD our GOD for being Himself, He promised He will not leave us, no matter what we go through, He will keep and protect us!  This is GOD’s Word spoken in love for us to encourage us that we may always gain His favor, His victory over everything we face that will try to hinder us in our faith In CHRIST JESUS. Remember The LORD our GOD, He is good and His mercies endure forever. Let us be a blessing, let us encourage someone who needs to know this today.

May the blessings of the LORD overtake us all and His love surround us, for His honor and glory. In JESUS Unfailing Name!

Because HE Is Faithful,
Pastor Wally & Sister Mattie