HEBREWS 10:25 
“Let us not give up Meeting Together, as Some are in The Habit of Doing, but let us Encourage one Another and All The More as You See The Day Approaching.”

Good morning, LORD GOD, 
I come to You today with lots on my mind and a busy life trying to steal my focus. Heavenly FATHER, this morning and all of history are about You. Please help me worship You with an undistracted heart. You know how my mind easily gets distracted and wanders to my upcoming week, present worries, and thoughts of others and many other things. Help me put those thoughts away and focus on You and Your glory. I ask that my mind be still for honoring You at church. May Your HOLY SPIRIT help me open my eyes to what You want me to see and hear instead of me going for my agenda. Cause me to treasure the fellowship within You as we spend precious moments in Your Holy Presence. Lead me in building others up with the gifts and opportunities You have given me. Guide our leadership also in faithfully shepherding the flock. Help me be JESUS’ hands and feet in a world that needs You now more than ever. Deepen my faith and joy in the glories of Your gospel.
In JESUS’ Holy Name, Amen.

Worshiping Him Together,
Pastor Wally & Sister. Mattie