1 Thessalonians 3:7-8
“So we have been greatly encouraged in the midst of our troubles and suffering, dear brothers and sisters, because you have remained strong in your faith. It gives us new life to know that you are standing firm in the LORD.”

In a world gripped with chaos, despair and uncertainties, it is difficult to find good reason to be encouraged. But for the person who is a follower of JESUS, there is always a reason to be encouraged. Just think of all the Christians who have endured pain and suffering. 

In the midst of their afflictions they have become more resilient and steadfast because of their faith in CHRIST who is our greatest example of one who suffered, and yet remained committed to the FATHER’s will. The Bible gives us many illustrations of faith that enabled even the weakest to remain strong. They endured pain and suffering. And if they did, we can also endure to show others that it’s the LORD who makes us victors and not victims. We can be good examples to those who are going through life with all sorts of afflictions. It gives encouragement and life to those around us.

Would you take a moment now to give thanks for the faith of other Christians? Perhaps Christians who are being persecuted around the world. Most particularly, people that you have helped come to faith in the first place. And would you also pray for those people to grow in their faith, in love and in holiness. In short, give thanks for faith and pray for faith to abound. In the mighty Name of JESUS CHRIST!

Praying For You 
Pastor Wally & Sister Mattie