JOHN 1:12-13 
12-“Yet to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of GOD— 
13-children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of GOD.”

When GOD calls you His child  (whether you are male or female), He means what He says. He is not making assumptions; you are indeed a child of GOD on the basis of what the Bible says in our Bible reading above. And the LORD knows and understands that there are responsibilities that come with His fatherhood such as provision, protection, direction guidance, etc. He is much more passionate about His children than we are passionate about our own children. He wants an intimate relationship with us just like His relationship with JESUS His only begotten Son. For those who are saved, forgiven and washed in the blood of JESUS, GOD has given the right to become children of GOD. He wants us to call Him “ABBA, FATHER!”

ABBA GOD, thank You for sending Your Son JESUS to redeem me from my sins. Thank You that in CHRIST I have my sins forgiven, and You’ve blessed me with a new beginning. Thank You that in CHRIST I am given the new birth. And because I have believed and have received JESUS as my Savior and Lord, I thank You for giving me the right to call You, ABBA, FATHER. 
My desire is to dwell in Your House forever. May I be found daily honoring You, loving You, pleasing You and serving You. 
In the glorious Name of JESUS. Amen.

Forever Grateful,
Pastor Wally & Sister Mattie