2 Timothy 1:7
“For GOD has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity but of power, love and a sound mind.”

It is a good day when you wake up in the morning knowing that our FATHER’s grace and His presence empowers us to face a new day full of the SPIRIT’s power, love, and access to the mind of CHRIST. In this day and age we need not fear what awaits us but instead have the confidence that our faith in CHRIST produces whatever is needed for life and godly living.
So fear not! Let us endeavor to honor, please and obey the LORD with complete reliance and trust in the One who said that “He will be with us to the end of the age.”

Mighty GOD, You can do all things and no plan of Yours can ever be restrained. You direct the lives of Your children and You purposefully plan every circumstance. Grant LORD, the wisdom to understand the challenges along our path and allow us to feel and see Your comforting hand in the midst of these trials. Bless us with a faith that gives us the confidence to face difficulties unfazed, knowing that You have given us the HOLY SPIRIT whose leading and plans are always perfect. We pray for Your grace, peace and comfort as we look up to You and trust You through all these. We rejoice in Your gift of another day to live for Your glory…In the righteous Name of JESUS. Amen.

Beyond Blessings,
Pastor Wally & Sister Mattie