
Date:                            April 4, 2024


April 4th, 2023. 
A year ago today, it was another day behind bars in immigration prison for the Mayflower Church.
In a situation like this, it was just so important for the world to see the faithfulness of the Mayflower and how vital it was to have them freed from detention and allowed to live in safety. 

So what should the world know about this church?  Well, I think their statement of faith, which they released to the global church in October 2022, is beautiful. 

"We believe that God will deliver us from the PRC government’s persecution. But even if the persecution continues or intensifies we will never betray our faith."
Each of the 64 members has never waivered in their faith in the Lord.  Even while facing the very real risk of deportation back to China a year ago today.
So, what should the world know about the Mayflower Church nearly a year after their miraculous arrival to the USA on Good Friday 2023? 

Well, the've spent an amazing and blessed time living in Tyler Texas and shared their testimony to countless people.

And after moving to Midland Texas at the end of last year, church members started school, began their first days of college classes, became employed at local businesses, and Pastor Pan even spoke to hundreds of attendees at the 2024 International Religious Freedom Summit in 2024!
It's been a year filled of amazing stories for the Mayflower Church since April 7th 2023.  
But their heart for the Lord, commitment to sharing their testimony, and their immense gratitude to you for your prayers and support has never changed.  
Praise God for his miracle working power that delivered this church from persecution, as we count down the days to their April 7th 'freedom anniversary!' 

Serving the persecuted with you,

Bob Portrait Square

Bob Fu, ChinaAid President