
Date:                           March 25, 2024


“I moved from a smaller prison ... to come to a bigger prison.”

Pastor John Cao shared these words to an Associated Press (AP) reporter who just published a story about his release from prison in early March. 
It's encouraging to see media outlets report about Pastor Cao's time behind bars and mention his heart and willingness to spread the Gospel within China. 
There's some discouraging news though. Pastor Cao is now without legal identification and is unable to access even basic services after his release. 

"“I told them I’m a second-(class) Chinese citizen, I cannot do this, I cannot do that,” Cao in an interview with The Associated Press. “I’m released, I’m a free citizen, why should there be so many restrictions upon me?”"

Please read and share the full Associated Press article - and keep Pastor Cao and his family in your prayers. 

It's so important his testimony of faithfulness to the Lord is shared across the world, and your voice has a valuable role to play in doing so! 

Serving the persecuted with you

Bob Portrait Square

Bob Fu, ChinaAid President