
Date:                           March 20, 2024


All this mother wanted was to see her son one last time. 

Elder Xue Shaoqiang's mother passed away on February 18th after an illness.

"I’m afraid I won’t be able to wait for my son to come back. In the future, I can only reunite with my son in heaven. But if the Lord allows it, I still want to see my son one last time before I leave. Even if it’s just a distant glance, it would bring me peace,” she confided to Elder Xue's wife.

Maybe you're wondering why Elder Xue Shaoqiang wasn't able to visit his mom? 
Sadly, he was still locked away in a detention center on a fake "fraud" charge due to his Christian faith, after his arrest in April 2023. 
Isn't it heartbreaking that his mother's dying wish to see her son couldn't be realized, because of Chinese Communist Party persecution against Elder Xue? 

Elder Xue's mother missed her son so much and could not believe he was detained for "fraud."  She knew that tithes and offerings are a church tradition and not a financial crime as Communist officials often claim. 
After her passing, Elder Xue's wife Liu Xunzhen decided to keep several items of her mother-in-law's clothing. She hopes Elder Xue will be able to feel his mother's presence in the items and have some sort of comfort, upon his release from detention. 
If your heart is moved to also comfort prisoners like Elder Xue Shaoqiang and their families as they endure heartbreak due to persecution for their faith - a gift to encourage and support persecuted families ensures they never walk alone. 
Please keep Elder Xue & family in your prayers, and click to make a gift as you feel led. 

Serving the persecuted with you

Bob Portrait Square

Bob Fu, ChinaAid President