
Date:                           March 18, 2024


It's the one-year anniversary of an amazing testimony.
About a year ago in mid-March 2023, our team confirmed, and published that Uyghur Christian Alimujiang Yimiti had been released from prison after a 15-year sentence.

Alim served as a house church pastor to Uyghurs in Xinjiang after he converted to Christianity from Islam in 1995. He was detained in 2008 on two charges and was given a 15-year sentence in 2009.

We don't have any other details regarding Alimujiang, but please keep him and his family in your prayers. 
As bold, passionate voices for freedom, you'll be the first to know about any more news we can share. Thank you for faithfully interceding for Alimujiang for so many years as he endured harsh persecution for his faith.  

Serving the persecuted with you

Bob Portrait Square

Bob Fu, ChinaAid President