
Date:  October 18, 2023

Uganda (International Christian Concern) – Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) killed two foreign nationals and a Ugandan in Kasese District, western Uganda on Tuesday, October 17, according to reports. The victims were killed in a signature style used by the ADF, namely the burning of vehicles while victims remained trapped inside.  

The two foreigners were from Great Britain and South Africa. The foreigners were visiting the DRC on vacation. As they traveled with Gorilla and Wildlife Safaris, a local tour company, they crossed through Queen Elizabeth National Park where, in April 2019, American tourist Kimberly Endicott and her tour guide, Jean-Paul Mirenge, were kidnapped by the ADF.  

This most recent attack comes just days after President Museveni announced a foiled ADF attack on churches. The Ugandan security forces were able to confiscate and destroy two bombs made by the rebel group that were intended to destroy churches in Kibibi, Butambala. 

The ADF has reigned terror across the eastern DRC and into Uganda for decades, causing instability within governments, displacement of thousands, and the deaths of hundreds each year. Multiple foreign governments have sent aid to combat these militants as a military force. Ugandan soldiers have found success recently. On October 15, the President released an update indicating that Ugandan fighter bombers hit four ADF targets inside the DRC between 69 and 130 km from the border. 

The progress demonstrated by the Ugandan forces, both through the presidential report in October and the prevention of the church bombings, is monumental. The progress sparks hope for continued growth as the country heads toward its next presidential election, which has the potential to be its second-ever peaceful transition of power. 

HOW TO PRAY:  Praise God for the success in combating the ADF rebels in both the DRC and Uganda, and pray for continued success as political tensions rise. Additionally, pray for the families of those lost in the recent attack on the foreign nationals. May God appear to them in tangible ways and demonstrate his everlasting care.