
Date:                            September 2, 2023



Christian journalist Zhang Zhan hospitalized 
Sadly, ChinaAid's media team reported on the hospitalization of citizen journalist Zhang Zhan, who is currently serving a prison sentence for reporting on the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan. Zhang was sent to the hospital in July for gastrointestinal issues, and she lost nearly 81 pounds before her hospitalization. Read how despite her persecution, Zhang, considers "myself free."

Pray for Zhang's immediate healing and protection.  

Religious personnel assigned a 'score'
Shandong became China's first province to assign 'social credit' scores to religious personnel. Local officials said the goal of the initiative is to "carry on the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and Chairman Xi Jinping’s directive of comprehensive “strict governance of religion.” Here's more on the credit score 'classifications.'

Pray for all Christians in Shandong and their persecutors. 

Multiple house churches banned
CCP officials cracked down harshly on two house churches, closing Great Grace Church and Guangzhou Huajing Christian Church. Great Grace was deemed an "illegal social organization" while Guangzhou Huajing was said to not have proper 'registration.' 

Pray for these two congregations, and their persecutors. 



We'd love to join in prayer for you and your loved ones! Please visit our Freedom To Pray Website to share your prayer request via our online form. 

Keep scrolling down on the Freedom To Pray prayer initiative to sign up and join with others committed to praying for all those religiously oppressed in China. 


  • The Economist: China wants to choose the next Dalai Lama. He has other plans. 

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