
Date:                           August 3, 2023


Lu Siwei Prayer PS 50.png

Lao immigration police apprehended Chinese human rights lawyer Lu Siwei on July 28th as he made his way to the United States to reunite with his family, even though he obtained a visa for Laos and the USA.

Lawyer Lu "is a renowned rights defender and lawyer in China, advocating for vulnerable groups and representing numerous political dissidents. As the Chinese authorities have become increasingly intolerant of independent rights advocacy, they have targeted Lu with intimidation and harassment, including disbarment in January 2021 for online speech that allegedly “endangered national security”. 

So far, more than 80 NGOs have signed a joint statement expressing grave concern "that he is at serious risk of forced repatriation to China where he faces the high likelihood of torture and other ill-treatment." Lawyer Lu's wife Zhang Chunxiao released a video supporting her husband while asking the international community for support.

Please join us at ChinaAid and so many across the world in prayer for Lawyer Lu during this perilous time. Pray for Lawyer Lu's physical and mental health, for his release, and to halt any sort of deportation process back to China.