
Date:                             November 10, 2022


Can you imagine what happens to North Koreans after they escape from the evil regime?

Getting out of the country is only the beginning of their challenges.

On a recent trip to Asia, I met with several of our partners who rescue the persecuted. They explained the real-world problems, and unique ways for us to help. Here are three:

Reality Inside a Shelter

There was a problem inside the safe houses.

A pastor had prepared the shelters for people who escaped from North Korea. Inside they had a place to hide from Chinese authorities. They had food and clothes.

But not all was well. The small shelters were overcrowded, and the people were squabbling and fighting.

In tyrannical North Korea, where Christianity is illegal, people are taught to accuse and distrust everyone. Students, factory workers, farmers, and communist activists alike must attend weekly “criticism sessions” to point out each other’s transgressions and mistakes. Grudges grow.

On top of that, covid restrictions forced the escapees to stay inside all the time. China’s totalitarian surveillance makes it more dangerous to be outside.

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