
Date:                             November 2, 2022


Hundreds of years after the Pilgrims endured 66 days at sea to reach New England in November 1620 – another ‘Mayflower’ congregation still has no place to call home.

The 62 members of the exiled ‘Mayflower’ church remain in Thailand. Still anxiously hoping and praying for a clear pathway to resettle in the United States.

Unfortunately, everyday Pastor Pan Yongguang and his congregation remain in limbo in Thailand, all signals only point towards even more danger. You see, the Chinese Communist Party would love to forcibly kidnap Mayflower Church members back to China.

And this month might be their best opportunity….

Reports are that Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend a governmental cooperation summit this month in Bangkok, Thailand. Several other world leaders are expected to attend, like U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris.

While the Chinese Communists have already infiltrated Thailand to monitor and harass the Mayflower Church, a trip by President Xi himself to the country means an army of the most highly trained Chinese agents are arriving in-country this month.

Their orders are simple – silence any potential dissidents, so-called ‘enemies of the state,’ and anyone that can potentially weaken the image of the Communist Party while Xi is in Thailand.

It might sound crazy to think the Communist Party would literally want to kidnap Pastor Pan and Mayflower Church members and take them back to China. 

Yet these types of tactics are normal for Chinese agents who more than willing to force refugees and Christians to commit suicide or give a false confession.

Nothing is off the table since the CCP regards the Gospel as treason!

After learning both Chinese and Thailand officials were looking to see where he was located, Pastor Pan released a statement of faith last month to reassure his congregation. He explained he would never voluntarily return to China and abandon his family and church. The rest of his church released a statement asserting they would never betray their faith.

Your gift of $200, $100, $50, or any amount you can give this month is absolutely critical to cover security and logistic expenses so every church member remains safe in Thailand as they go through the United Nations refugee process as a stepping stone to potential U.S. resettlement!

Help stop potential forced kidnapping of Mayflower congregants.

Again – thank you for all you do to stand with the persecuted church and your much needed support will truly give Pastor Pan and his church much to be thankful for this November despite their perilous situation.

Serving the persecuted with you,


Bob Fu, ChinaAid President

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