
Date:                         October 3, 2022


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Chinese President Xi Jinping knows this month might be the most important of his life. 

To help quench his lust for power, control, and influence, he’s moving to ensure the October meeting of the Chinese Communist Party Congress ‘coronates’ him as China’s ‘king’ for life with an unprecedented third term as president.

President Xi’s been working hard to promote the Communist Party as the custodian of Chinese civilization.

Jailed Christians, our brothers and sisters in Christ, are his biggest roadblock. Maybe this sounds strange to you. Why would those locked up behind bars…and thick walls…and barbed wire…. be a threat to the 91-million strong Chinese Communist Party?

Jailed Christians, the most dangerous “radicals” who disrupt the CCP’s goals for “obedience and order” through their worship of Jesus and not the government – are behind bars because they’re seen as treasonous.

Each Gospel convert means another citizen isn’t going to bow down to Beijing. And the CCP has no problems jailing those who they fear might evangelize and baptize in Jesus’ name!

Obviously, President Xi would prefer that Christianity is forgotten in China. He thinks prison cells are the best way to do so. In the eyes of the Communist Party, believers behind bars, mean they’re voiceless and forgotten. How can you hear the Gospel from a jail cell?

But the Bible shows us the prison cell can be the biggest platform for Jesus Christ!

Remember when Paul and Silas praised God in prison and the Lord’s mighty hand not only freed them…but led to many turning to Christ.

I will go out on a limb to say that ‘prison ministry’ might be some of the most effective evangelism in China right now.

In fact, Chen Wensheng is always thankful to go back to jail because he has an opportunity to share the gospel to the guards and police officials! Did you know that when some police officials visited his home…. they even stayed on his couch to listen to him preach?

President Xi has not gotten the memo that locking up Christians only accelerates the Gospel in China. I have no doubt he will commission police to arrest more believers this month.

But I’m confident that if we have the resources we need, through your gift of $300, $200, $100, or any amount you’re able to give as you partner with ChinaAid, we can commission colleagues this fall and winter season to encourage the Body of Christ through ministry activities like 

visiting those in jail for their faith

- praying with their family members

- funding prison accounts as a gift from the Global Body of Christ to the persecuted.

Thank you for realizing that Chinese ‘prison ministry’ truly works. Please pray with me that the CCP’s hearts might be changed….so that one day… prison doors across China will swing open like they did for Paul & Silas! 

Serving the persecuted with you,


Bob Fu, ChinaAid President

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