
Date:                      April 15, 2021


You might have seen Zhang Zhan on the news. This brave Chinese citizen journalist made global headlines for her coverage on the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan back in early 2020. 
However, officials arrested and later sentenced her to four years in prison in December 2020 for "picking quarrels and provoking troubles" due to her reporting. 
 Zhang was transferred to a women's prison in early April 2021. 
We've published her prison address and invite you to send her a letter of encouragement! 
There's been cases where letters to prisoners from people like you prompt guards to treat inmates better.

Please visit this link to read about best practices for writing letters to prisoners and use the below address for sister Zhang. 

Zhang Zhan
Shanghai Women’s Prison, No. 1601
Zhangjing Road Sijing Town, Songjiang District
Shanghai 201601