
Date:                            April 2, 2024


April 2nd, 2023. 
A day filled with a lot of questions. And prayers. 
A year ago, all 64 Mayflower members remained behind bars in immigration prison in Bangkok, Thailand.
None of these church members knew what the future would hold.  They were praying for the Lord's miraculous provision as the imminent threat of repatriation to China loomed large.
But you and countless others across the globe, from concerned Christians, to activists, lawmakers, and other officials, were doing all they could around-the-clock to help bring the Mayflower out of prison.... to liberty. 

And as you know, just a few days later, the Mayflower Church members landed in the United States on Good Friday (April 7th) to start a new life of freedom!

So many prayers were answered. And the whole world witnessed an amazing testimony about how the Lord walks alongside his faithful, persecuted church. 

Did you know a beautifully designed video was shown at the 2024 International Religious Freedom Summit depicting the church's time in immigration prison and journey to the USA?
I'd encourage you to click & watch the video to see how influential your prayers and support were to help bring this church to freedom, as we count down the days to the Mayflower's freedom anniversary on April 7th!  

Serving the persecuted with you,

Bob Portrait Square

Bob Fu, ChinaAid President